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March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011 May 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, 30 April 2007
lols..today I was late for school.
thought that went school by dad's lorry would be faster but traffic jam.. Reached school at about 8.45 >.< lols give DMthe red form but she just ignored me !! then after she wrote finished her paper thing for other ppl then talk to me! lol.. then went straight to my MT class. lols.. today can say as daydreaming in class ba.. only know a little bit what tchr's teaching..lols.. then b4 sch ends Fabian,jerron,daryl they all haiz.. keep saying want go out eat ice cream treat me.. haiz.. And now daryl msn nick is that too..lols luhh.. comfirm now playing game thats y nv reply..dun care abt them luhh.. haiz.. lols .. always make fun of my name de..still haven mature yet.. xP.. Went to MingYan hus after school today to "study".. just abit luhh.. then actually got meet WengGuan de..but he busy & his mom like dun let him out like that luhhs.. maybe tmr going vivo with them. err.. ytd went Bugis with my mum & sis.. jalan jalan n buy clothing for me n sis..hahas.. nan de go out with her.. ate deserts at bugis cafe.then reached home headache & went to sleep.. haiz.. lucky tmr no school..ahahs
Saturday, 28 April 2007
watched 200 Pounds beauty today,this movie quite nice luhh..
today was kind of bad day.. shall not talk abt it here..haiz. quite siann too.. wasting my life away.. only studied abit of physics & nothing else..haiz..then went compass to have dinner and now blogging..haiz.. Nothing else le.. HERE'S MY UPDATE!dun say i nv update le hoRx..hahas
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Today assembly no partner cuz Esther was sick,I was sleeping and listening to Mr Sim till assembly ends.. It's still so hot luhh.. though we are in a air-con hall.. but was so sleepy..lols After that walk to heartland jalan jalan with vivianP then met yy at the bus stop and headed our way to Hougang stadium.. did not run, just went there to support my friend (mostly e Band mates & classmates)..hahas.. was like saying jiayou so many times luhh..LOLS then when Ming yan pass by I shout DBSK&Superjunior's infront..lols. . to make her run faster..hahas.. After cheering for them went Hougang mall with Serene & YZ. While some of our class guys went swimming.. walkwalk then went home after that.. now at home blogging.. gg siao le..hahas. .. cuz I'm hanging around with ppl who loves DBSK,Superjunior all those korean star like siao.. now kanna influence liao..lols Inhwan so superrr cute..hahas.. shall post some of his pic here.. ![]() mini junsu~hahas cute right! ![]() ![]() he's just 6 yrs old! super cute right..hahas.. shall end here..
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
wake up early today,reach mrt at the nick of time saw Amirah,Hui min,Alvin k inside alr.. so stand beside hM and chit chat.. hahas..
I'm like totally neglected my other friend beside saying a Hi & bye.. hahas.. xP..so bad..hahas As usual when i reached there my friend was waiting for me and walk super slow to sch today as we have time to walk n waste..hahas.. Reached class put our bags and go down to the hall for FRC.. today was not our attire check so maybe next week than its our turn.. Ayw check lor..cuz I'm wearing my Pe shirt..hahas..During PE go for sit n reach n standing board jump.. after that English Ms ida dunno what mood tread us so good today..hahas then recess.. dun feel like eating so just drank a packet of apple juice. then went back to class again for 4 periods of Amaths.. Cant believe it i do understand what Mr Wong's teaching .. Still remb lesson before SYF I dun understand a shit at all n now after syf i know how to do and I managed to pass..lols.. (is it smtg like BANE?or whatever?)lols such a boring day!!arhh ..MYE coming soon.. haiz
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Shall post some pictures of my YYCB today~all pics from Mr Faizal multiply.
![]() ![]() ![]() 2006 Hong KOng Trip~ 2007 indoor SYF~ Silver ![]() ![]() game we played at aloha resort during chalet~ ![]() Sunrise we watched nice?i took de..hehex~ ![]() pic took from sec 1 welcoming party,Hong Kong trip,band chalet, etc etc.. lazy post le.. 1 c more pics go Sir multiply see..hahas
Saturday, 21 April 2007
20/4/07 feeling hopeless~
Rotting at home..so sian luhs wanna go out but almost all my friend need to be at home as MYE is coming in 2 weeks.. chating with Hui min just now talking abt art as she don't know what to draw..
& i really regret that y did't i go for express.. i want to draw badly now..haiz.. but i want amaths too..lols.. but it's useless now as i chose to stay at NA .. No point thinking of drawing.. at the same time doing amaths.. It's too late.. went cp with sy n von to buy present for yy.. i loveYYCB! .. we R gg Japan in 2009 ..we r damn lucky luhs i want to go badly.. need to save $$ from now onwards. wondering can i go ma.. O' levels on that yr too..lols.. I'm damn poor now & there's so many things to spent my precious $$ at luhhs.. xP took many pictures ytd during band last day of the "Senior citizen"..hahas.. so sad..comfirm will miss them very much de luh..haiz.. think im gonna die i cant sight reading i cant play.. n i'm the only senior left in the section..how can i lead them..T.T ppl like me 1 go japan but cant play how can.. haiz.. i'm so dead..
Thursday, 19 April 2007
went for band pract today..quite siann luhs..
break for sectional blah blah blah~~ then went back to band room all sec 3s responsible to tell the section all the do's & dont's..helped them to put there shoes properly.. reach home at abt 8.. now blogging while waiting for my dinner..hahas.. & our concert is for our parents..chey i thougth what concert..hahas theme:Band under the stars. & will be having camp in June n to march in school on national day.. next year gg participate in Marching assessment too.. wondering 2mr cme our video clip what will happen..hahs lastly congrats to our Guitar club they got a silver 2day~ & CD get a gwh. gonna do my amaths hmwk n eat le.. signing off~
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
lols.. today assembly i did not sleep!hahas..
felt that nowadays i cant study at home as my com is making me cant study! so went out to cafe cartel with yy on Mon after sch n ytd at Yoshi,then 2day with Esther at my hus..but its like time passes so fast luhs.. chit chat awhile study & hrs have gone.lols.. but its better than alone luhs.. hahas.. Band SYF have ended n we have got a silver.. Ms loh said that we will be having a concert in June.. i was like omg.. SYF just pass n we are gg to be busy again & the Sec 4s n 5s are stepping down.. this week.. n Jw said maybe we R gg to play jalan x2,hobbits,7 night of July.. think we r gonna die-ing soon..lols.. can we really do it with the junior which is still learning how to play the scales ? lols.. but we REALLY need to work extra hard luhs.. as we really want to get a gold.. MYE coming soon.. haiz I'm really need to mug more luhs.. My results is like gg from bad to worse result lor.. marks "increasing" so much luhs.. haiz.. signing off now~ do hmwk n revise.. need to be a Gd girl even now I'm alr a Gd gal..xP.hahas.. being thick skin..=P
Saturday, 14 April 2007
ytd TR lost her hp & money while we r not in class,SJ lost her $10 too n it was the 2nd time her money lost in class..luckily i brought my wallet down. As my money had lost too in class a few mths ago.so sad that y would our class have so many such cases.. haiz..MY CLASS IS NOT SAFE..lols~ so siann today,1st week after syf that Saturday don't need go for band pract. Weng guan called today to ask whether wanna go to the east coast 2day with them.but dun feel like gg cuz last week just had chalet there. And the whether i like gg to rain. Called a lot of my friend to go out but some said their parents don't let or need to study at home..haiz..or some alr out. Spent my whole day at home it was so boring la.. but bo painn cuz it was raining heavily. Spent my day watching "My girl" the 2ND time.. And reading ppl's blog.. Wondering after MYE what will our band preparing to do? & i 1 to work during June holidays~ I'm broke! i want to work~hahas~ no money n i have lots of things wanted to buy!though syf ended but I'm starting to hate her` more..dunno y..felt that wo yi jing ren gou ta le..hehex.. dun talk abt her.. hope she will change n turn over a new leaf. Sian.. now syf over miss band so much.. felt that when there's band pract we would always don't feel like going but when there's no band pract we would feel like going for band pract.. lols.. weird~ y would we felt this way~hahas trying to look for a blog skin now.. had a hard time finding 1 nice 1.. ending here..
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
errm..felt that this few days i have really enjoyed myself..
Last sat we have band practice to 10pm n new grading at the parade square after band i went back home and straight away went to East Coast chalet. Spent my weekend there ate alot of bbq food & went back home at Sunday night. The next day,(Monday) went for Maths remedial cuz if i don't go i really cant cope with my maths at all. After that went for sectional awhile and walk to heartland with von then meet ming yan,tian fu,weng guan & chin suan went to fareast with them as tf need to go there to take his "zang poa"(fighting armor) but the tailor done wrongly so we have to wait till night. Had my dinner at LJS after that went to took neoprint with them. After taking neoprint we continue taking pictures with our hp. Everywhere and wg act as a nerd and tf act as a "nian nian qiang" as he kept on taking my hand carry bag..lols took a lot pic la.. ~ After waiting for the tailor to do finish MYan dad came to fetch us home 1 by 1. B4 we reach our 1st destination we shout on the Lorry abt yycb roxs la.. get gold la.. etc etc.. like siao ppl like that..lols~ all abt band.As I'm the 3rd 1 to reach home at abt 11pm.And today met wg & shi hui that's y we r late for 1 MIN..lols.. As almost half of the band members are late today we have to reach sch by 6.20am 2mR. AS 2MR IS SYF!!ARRHH..REALLY FEELING MORE SCARED N EXCITED.. Hope our speed & intonation will be ok 2mr.. and hope we can at least maintain or get gold.. As the grading is getting more difficult and difficult many band drop their position or get silver n bronze.scared we will got cop or bronze lor.. haiz.. scary!.. ending here..
Saturday, 7 April 2007
16/4/07 went bugis with sy
went to bugis with sy to jalan jalan.
Bought a brown bag same as her..quite cheap after the discount. Time pass so fast and we went for dinner shared with her a Korea BBQ set.hahas~ Then went bugis st again as she wanna buy earrings. After buying we went back to take mrt and managed to reach home ard 11.haiz.. 2day band pract till 10pm sia.. actually wanna go for my cousin birthday party at east coast.. dunno later gg there to stay not.. though last fri just went for band chalet but still wanna go for her chalet!but cannot leave early cuz SYF is only 5-4 days away.. After this few day then i will be free..FREEDOM.. hahas.. But MYE coming and i will be seriously dead..hahas.. gtg.. gg to eat and meet cs,my,vp,and von for lunch at Kovan.
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
After school went for band practice after assembly.Mr.F came.. he is getting More fierce and serious as we have not much time left to syf.. As the next week of today is our SYF. And our standard is still not what we want yet..
Our Goal is Gold!i put it as my msn nick today..hahas~.. haiz.. 2mr have geography test but i know nothing, gonna fail badly ..lols.. going for 2mr band practice too.. And gonna have fun on sat night as my cousin is holding a chalet for her birthday it's also Sally birthday.. And the following day is YZ birthday.. hope she will like her present we bought..As alot ppl is sharing to give her..lols.. so many people birthday in this week sia..hahas.. gonna make sushi for my cousin..xp.. so long nv do le.. hope they would like it..hahas...
Monday, 2 April 2007
2day rushed to school by 7.10 to set up instrument and chairs.. Then after FRC we went back to the band room as a guest is coming to listen to us.. after that we watch our video in Nan chiau exchange last sat after our Speech day.We are getting worse result..T.T.. haiz..Mr f is getting more serious le.. fierce
so we miss 4 periods of lessons and went straight for recess with Von and Vp then went up together.After school actually wanna go for sectional de.. but too late liao and band store was lock as lazy to take from them i went back to the canteen to meet Yy,Esther &Yz.after that they went for guitar then me and yy wait for von.but they wanna go heartland so they went there first..Then after that went there jalan jalan abit too then go home..on the way home saw AK with his stead..lol so co-incident lor..lol..everyday like confirm gg to c his face..though we r in different school..haha..then went home watch TV(jiayou jin sun)a Korea show.. starting its siann la.. but behind getting more funny..can say as quite nice la.. haiz..end here.. really must work hard for band le.. 9 more days to SYF!! |