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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, 27 September 2010
Work @ Amberlounge ends.
woohoo.Finally my work ends.
Had lots of fun with my friends and made new friends too. It's the 1st overnight job(amberlounge) I worked for. Now I can hold at least 10 champaign cups with just both of my hands. cool right? Saw a few Mediacorp artist and f1 racers(thought i dunno them).. Oh yah. ytd I helped someone to buy cigar. It's like freeking expensive. $101.60 for just 2 small cigar. forgot the name..& He wanted a full cut. o.o And thr's this guy that wanted to treat his ang mo friend paidfor the bill.And guess how much is my tips? $0.40 !! LOL cuz it's the change.=No tips for both days. =( hehe but nvm.. Thr's so much more interesting happenings, ask me if you wanna know. Went Sentosa today.Pictures were posted in fbook. =) 2mr i will be gg Marina Barage with my dear 5a girls as they are gonna celebrate my bday early.=)
Thursday, 23 September 2010
The invitation letter has finally arrived.But will I really get it?
Oh God help me please.Teach me what sld i do.I will trust in you. For your plans are good;Plans to prosper me not to harm me. Help me to let go and let you control. Only you can help me. You are my hope. I realise these is gonna feed my faith to grow. Now I shall write abt what had happened this few days as I was working. Had lots of fun and learnt a few new stuff. Daphne,Eileen and I found that God really bless us favour in this job. For exp, we was late for like 30-40 mins? But we did not miss anything and the "leader" did not even say/scold us.After we had reach thr for a little while, they released us for dinner & the rain stopped while we walked back to the hotel. Another one will be abt Daphne hand phone,she lost it in the cab and the Taxi driver return her phone to her and even offered to go to her house to return her phone! Another exp: As the guest were getting lesser, they ordered some of the waiter/ress to leave(though everyone wants to stay) but we were chosen to stay for like 2 rds.(diff ppl) Amazing? Thr's more.. but my memory fails me to write out here. I was home late and by the time I was gg to slp, my sis alarm rang, as usual she will continue to slp and wait for my mum to wake her up but today it was I.In the past,I dread to wake her up every weekday(sec sch days)to stop slping and go brush her teeth.or I wld say "if u continue to slp,you are gonna be late,". but suddenly I miss those time and appreciate it that it is a blessing to be able to wake the people that you love up. Don't you think so?
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Hello my bloggy =)
Today i stop at wrong bus stop ,thus i have to walk for abt 1 bus stop distance to get to Esther's blk. Took quite some time to reach Esther's house cause I'm kind of lost,thank God manged to find her blk.Cookie was so happy to see me that she just jumped unto me and kept shaking her tail. & her nail are long enough to scratch my leg.But nvm it's okay. :D Learn basic plucking and c major. Which brought temporary pain for my lefth fingers.But, I will still continue to learn & practice. hehe.. Played for awhile & watched Toy story with Esther.The barbie n ken part is so funny & melodramatic. Had dinner at the kopitiam and headed back home. Shall continue watching Vampire dairies now. hehe ;D
Monday, 13 September 2010
Love Languages.
Just painted my toe nail BLUE.
Anyw, guys do u know what is your LOVE LANGUAGE? If u dunno, u might want to do the quiz below to find out? What if you could say or do just the right thing guaranteed to make that special someone feel loved? The secret is learning the right love language! http://edified.org/myspace/lovelanguage <<Click! This was my result for the quiz. : I feel loved when...The Five Love LanguagesMy Primary Love Language is Acts of Service
About this quizUnhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak. Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is. Take the Quiz!
Sunday, 12 September 2010
hello oo ohhh..
My time spend for today was great!
Thank God today for: Your grace and love for me. ushering today and everything went well. sermon. our omnipotent God is always with us. good Cell discussion and fellowship with cellmates.=) Had a huge bbq duck as dinner & it was damn delicious. For my desire to know God more. and of cuz manymanymanymany things which i dont think i will have enough space to write in this post. Oh yah, recently i just found out that actually i am quite interested in culinary. esp baking cakes maybe cuz i love eating cakes. not bcuz my bday is coming anyw. haha Any kind soul wanna teach me to bake cakes? =D Currently,I'm feeling so excited now.Know why? I'm gonna go Esther's house to learn guitar from her! *woohoo* Hopefully can learn smtg instead of playing with her dog,cookie. heehee But, besides learning new stuff.Honestly,I hope I could get a job (but not ihub alr,as i wanna try smtg diff) and of cuz earn a little allowance.or else i cant do much of my shopping. xD Had so many things im eyeing on after gg out with yijing to 313 n Far east. *arghh..* Anyw,shall end my updates now. Will be eating at melting pot 2mr b4 2nd service! =D God help me to spent my holiday wisely and fruitfully. AMEN!
Friday, 10 September 2010
testing blogskins..
argh. my blog is so messy. i lost all my friends link. deleted cbox.
can i just leave it like this. shall redo it 2mr. =(
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Ms Maths
saw this from a friend's facebook comment. & thought it was funny.
Person A: Can we be friends? i really need to be close to you; to understand you more better or i'll die badly.Please be my friend,dear maths! Person B:My dearest bro..... U must make yourself damn damn in love with ms maths, hug your maths to sleep, sweet dream of maths, talk to maths with FEEL when free, patient with ms maths. Nevertheless, kiss your ms maths goodbye whenever u going out.... Let ms maths feel tt u're treating her like your gf. Think by den she will consider to be your dearest Friend or gf n let u understand her more.. funny right?
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Lighter sentence for abortions
Lighter sentence for abortions (ST)
I find it stupid to go for abortion and be jailed for even 8 yrs. & in the past, women will be condemned up to 29 yrs in prison for abortion, so when she's out the baby wld alr be 29 yrs old if initially they didnt abort them. Dots right?!
Monday, 6 September 2010
2 more days and exam wilbe over. yeahh..!
i have so many things in mind i wanna do now. but i dunno why i will only feel like doing it only when it's exam period.Temptation!! had a good nap in the afternoon after today's exam.. shall start revising now. rest for the whole day alr.. xD thkGod no paper 2mr.or else good game. shall i cut my hair to shoulder length? hmm .. |