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Oh hello. I am Sherlyn & I am a Child of the living God! .

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Friday 25 May 2012
I'm back!

Hi~~ everyone! It was awhile since I last update and I finally decided to write more as I was encourage by my friend Esther's blog.

Thank you God that today is finally the last day of IAP! Although FYP will be starting straight on next Monday. But I believe you will see me through just like how you've helped me these 3 mths of attachment at Panasonic.
Really grateful of how God's plans for me as it was very beneficial for me under the care of my supervisor, Zj.He's a v wise and knowledgable person; have 4 degrees of diff eng courses and a master.He had been teaching me patiently and had shared alot about his past experience and knowledge so I will not walk in his path.He had helped me to discover so much more about myself and encouraged me alot. He even treated me dinner and have me a book. Have not read it yet as I'm reading other Christian books now.
The food here is cheap and taste good, better than my sch but sad to say,the dishes and soup they sell always reiterate. I could say I've eaten different cooking style of 'Kang kong'(a kind of vegetable) and mince meat for more than 3 times a week.

Shall update more about these few months.
Firstly, my Dad has said the sinners prayer and received Christ! Praise God!
He's attending my church recently so I could not go for children church these few weeks. I hope he would be able to make friends soon so I could go back CC. Hehe x)

Secondly, I'm grateful for the kids in my children church JET clas for bringing me so much joy! leading games is better than before. ;) Thank God for the kids that came back to CC and the new comers. I just has a new Caucasian boy in class and he has a nice name which end with smiley. Cool right! Will get the chance to know him better when I get back to CC soon. Can't wait!! Hehe

Thirdly, Cell has been getting more fun and we are getting closer to each other too! Really grateful for ALL of them and my cell leaders too! Shall upload a photo of my cell soon! Yeah, 2mr will be the second session for CPS 10. Can't wait for the fellowship w my friends and dwelling in the house of God.

lalalalaaa~ half an hour more to end work! :DD

Saturday 28 May 2011

I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Quality Time

My Detailed Results:
Quality Time: 8
Acts of Service: 7
Receiving Gifts: 6
Words of Affirmation: 6
Physical Touch: 3

About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

Just did a quiz regarding to Love language and above is my results. haha

Tuesday 17 May 2011
I Think Of You.

Tuesday 29 March 2011
It's holiday now.

hohoho! it's school holiday now!
Haven't been updating my blog for so long!
I've been enjoying my holiday and not gotten a job besides USS as part time crew (I worked for 1 concert & i saw xiao xiao bing!). Btw,I'm not crazy abt him.
But it's okay,because after enjoying this break I am going to work hard for my yr 2.
Btw, I've got my yr 1 results.My GPA is exactly the same aggregate as Sem 1.
What I'm really glad is that I've got a B+ for 1 of a core module that I've failed during common test. Even though,I'm not really satisfied with my results but still, i wanna thank God for giving me the peace,strength,friends.... and everything that i need. :D

So,what have I done during this break?
-Read finish The Last song, God Chaser and Have a little Faith. yeah 3 books!
-Watched Korean drama like The secret garden,My princess,The pink lipstick.
-BBQ at Kenneth's place.(Bday)
-Chomp x2 with 5A Girls for Esther Bday.
-Honoring Dinner in Church.
-Work for 2 days in RWS.
-Shop/Hang out with Poly friends once & church friends- many times.
-Cell,Devotion,Ushering Duty,Sund Service.
-Out with Cousin. - once a week?
-Outing with 5B clique once.
-"Nua-ing" at home , housework. :D haha
-Jaron,Joel & Aleks Graduation at Tung Ling.
-Dinner at Addy's place 2mr with X-cell(Both).
-Devotion with Daphne this coming Thurs.
-Currently still watching The Vamp Dairies & HK drama- Only You -[ Trying to learn Cantonese. :D ]

Next,it will be the list of wants for this holiday:
-I wanna learn guitar. Perhaps simple cords 1st. hehe
-Read 1 more book from Nicholas Sparks.
-Watch Moviessss. xD
-Picnic with Family.
-Learn to cook 2 dishes.
-Go swimming.

yeahh. That's all for today. Hope that I can spend my holiday fruitfully. :D

Saturday 1 January 2011
My love language has change!

I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Quality Time

My Detailed Results:
Quality Time: 10
Words of Affirmation: 7
Receiving Gifts: 5
Acts of Service: 5
Physical Touch: 3

About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

Monday 27 December 2010
few more days to end of 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!
Enjoyed the musical drama on Christmas day in church.
It will be my last youth service if i dont count ushering duty.
I guess i will surely miss my cell & service!
2010 was quite a gd yr for me.. many ups and down happened.
Really thank God that I have him to go through this with me.
Shall do a thanksgiving list,reflection of 2010 and new yr resolution soon.
This month is quite a busy one for me although I'm having a 2 week break now.
Left with 1 more week and i will have to face new obstacles and end of sem exam.
I will have to adapt to a new environment after I've move to my new house.
New year new house. LOL. I believe i will miss my current house too!But perhaps God want me to move for a reason... i shall wait and see why!
Had a great QT with Daphne just now @ compass Starbucks.
It's so nice to chat with her,we'll always continue talking non-stop abt Christianity and all of it is so interesting.We never get bored about testimony and God. <3
Time really flies, don't you think so?JUst few more days to end of 2010.
1 more week to my new cell and home. So many changes will take place.Shalom!

Sunday 28 November 2010
Soo Busyy

Hello bloggy,
It have been a long time ever since my last post.
I'm gonna be so so busy,and thr's so much work to do.
2 presentation,3 test for this coming week.
And i will be going for church camp from this coming Friday till Sunday! *So Excited* :DD
For the following week,i will have 1 presentation and i have to hand in my programming mini project which i have not even do it yet. And on the following week's Sunday i will be going for my YYCB concert. WooHoo!
And after 2 weeks,i will have my common test.
I pray that my time will multiply! :D