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March 2007
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, 17 December 2007
Came back from Band camp.
I felt our band had really improve alot.from % below 50 but we reach at least 80% today. Hope our chops will be still there and stays FOCUS. !st day of camp,Mrs dixie came to tutor us.Then had lunch at Mac. After that rehearsal and had games. I'm one of the gamemaster with shi hui tgt. Our game was quite fun to me,hope they enjoyed playing my game.. hahas They have to be blindfold and their legs will be tied tgt except one who will be leading them to find the thing that we hide. But he/she cant touch them and must stay 2m away from the blindfolded ones. Then those who were blindfolded have to find and get the thing that we hide. After games bath,eat... rehearsal then supper. This time supper was Good!we had DONUTS for our supper. wow right,thks to lina. And water break is only half bottle.Lucky.. hahas 2nd day of camp- pei xin came to our school. They were all so cute!!still kids ..hahas The horn player's all malay.. while mine is all chinese. I'm the gamemaster with weixin so brief some water breaking games to them. They really had fun,and they were quite violent too..they just smacked the ppl who is saying other ppl name.. their's a hornist,alif dunno spell correctly not. He's so funny when i called out his name.He was like:oh no..oh no.. arghh.. then move backward.. then the other guy smack him for a few times.lols.. Then during combined rehearsal,I saw him holiding his horn and playing.Then it's just like a small little boy playing a huge instrument but cute anyw.. hahas Send them out,then had dinner but it was pouring.So lina,lizhen them went to buy mac for us. Then night rehearsal again,then supper. 3rd day- heng,woke up at 8.had 5bx then breakfast. After that got area cleaning with perchush at our bunks. As usual got pump by sir. Went to polish our instrument.*SHINY* Had rehearsal, debrief.Then celebrate jackson's birthday.Damn full after that.Did not took any pics.well,after than went home ard 7+ with von,venice,wengguan&roslyn. 5 more days left to concert. 2 more band pract. and concert on sat.It's so fast.. sighh gonna miss church again.And this week they will be having xmax party. T.T gonna miss the fun. this thurs will be having caroling and cell bonding with my cell. yeahh.. hope i can go. |